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This website is intended to be sort of a supplement to the Yahoo Radian Group.  That group, as well as Radianpics and Radianpics2, all tend to run out of space.  At first, this little site was intended to be a place for different odds and ends, motorcycle pictures, etc.  Eventually I decided to devote this site pretty much to the Yamaha YX600 Radian.  There are Radian pictures, Radian magazine articles, Radian manuals, Radian links, crazy people, etc.  If you'd like to see pictures of your Radian here, or want to contact me for any other reason, feel free to send them to me or email me (Russell) at badrad600@gmail.com .  I hope you like the site.

This website is best viewed at 1024 by 768 resolution.

The above cartoon was, created by Hugo (group member).  The background and colors were added later by George ('89 Chameleon) and Rodney (Sizzler's Radian), if I'm not mistaken. 

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Radian yx600 Yamaha Radians yx600s motorcycles pictures